24 June, 2015

Jim Jefferies on America's Gun Culture

There is one argument, and one argument alone for having a gun, and this is the argument: 'Fuck off !  I like guns.'  It's not the best argument, but it's all you've got.  And there's nothing wrong with it.  There's nothing wrong with saying 'I like something, don't take it away from me', but don't give me this other bullshit.  The main one is 'I need it for protection.  I need to protect me, I need to protect my family.'  Really ?  Is that why they're called assault-rifles ?  Is it ?

Best takedown I've ever seen of America's gun-culture, by a non-American, natch., but then again I haven't really sought out such things.  Wonder if Carlin had anything to say on the subject...

Who knew Wayne LaPierre was around that far back ?

Update: Replaced the YouTube link.  Not sure if the new video is the same length as the old one.  Replacing it 'cos according to the YT, the old video was 'removed as a violation of YouTube's policy against spam, scams, and commercially deceptive content.'  No idea, what the hell that means or why...

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