11 June, 2015

Oh, Please Do Davey

David Miliband drops clearest hint yet he will return to British politics
Former Labour frontbencher who moved to America after losing the leadership race to his brother continues post-election media drive
David Miliband has given his clearest indication that he is plotting a return to British politics amid speculation that Labour could hold another leadership election after the in-out EU referendum.
The news came as it emerged that Mr Miliband’s contract with his International Rescue charity ends in 2018, potentially allowing him to return to Parliament before the 2020 general election.
Mr Miliband was drawn on his future plans in a series of interviews with CNN and The Times newspaper.
Oh please do, asshole. Your former boss Tone' won't be running for political office again any time soon, but we haven't forgotten what a corrupt power-hungry sellout he was, and you were clearly made of exactly the same cloth. Made enough money in New York have we ? Time to drop down from the clouds as a latter-day saviour of the plebs. with the typical neo-liberal economic bullshit ?

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