15 June, 2015

Just What Are You Thinking, Jack Warner ?

Ex-FIFA Official Slams John Oliver as "Comedian Fool"
John Oliver is not making any friends with FIFA officials.
The HBO host recently bought television airtime in Trinidad to lampoon former FIFA vice president Jack Warner's televised message to the nation. In his video, Oliver encouraged Warner to reveal all the secrets that he had previously threatened to disclose. 
Now, Warner has fired back, posting a video of his own in which he refers to Oliver as a "comedian fool."

Good grief.  Jack Warner surely should be preparing himself for his looming jail-sentence, and whether flipping on a certain other official might shorten said sentence.  Instead of which, he responds to provocation by John Oliver, who is rapidly making a career of taking down people like Jack Warner.

Of course, this is the same man who recently, and very publicly, mistook an article by 'The Onion' as actual news, and was rightly skewered by Oliver for the very same.  Does a man with his kind of money really have no-one around him to provide advice ?  You do not mess with John Oliver and Last Week Tonight.  This cannot end well for you, fool.

And what the hell is up with that music ?


And did Oliver respond ?  Oh, c'mon, you know he did.

Jack, concentrate on trying to get a cushy cell due to your age.  Taking on the (not-yet) American 'Comedian Fool' is not going to work out for you.

Oh and yeah, they answered the question of the music as well.

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