05 June, 2015

We Are All Collectively Insane

U.S. might deploy missiles in Europe to counter Russia
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Obama administration is weighing a range of aggressive responses to Russia's alleged violation of a Cold War-era nuclear treaty, including deploying land-based missiles in Europe that could pre-emptively destroy the Russian weapons.
The Russians' violations of Cold War-agreements huh ?  You really want to go there ?  Really ?  No, no,...really...?
This "counterforce" option is among possibilities the administration is considering as it reviews its entire policy toward Russia in light of Moscow's military intervention in Ukraine, its annexation of Crimea and other actions the U.S. deems confrontational in Europe and beyond.

The options go so far as one implied - but not stated explicitly - that would improve the ability of U.S. nuclear weapons to destroy military targets on Russian territory.
Yippee !!!
Wait, what weapons exactly are we talking about here ?  That word, pre-emptive...I don't like that word.  It calls to mind another era, in a very very bad way.

Have we so soon forgotten why the greatest global rivals of the latter half of the twentieth century never entered into open warfare ?  There's this concept called 'Mutually Assured Destruction.'  Are we seriously willing to sleep-walk into open war with Russia, the country with the largest stockpile of nuclear weapons on the planet ?  And for what ?  So we look/feel tough ?  We're not talking about Panama here...

Shit, where are John Fitzgerald and Nikita when you need them ?  At this point, if I believed in an afterlife, maybe I'd just say fuck all y'all.'   This species is bat-shit...

Aw, that's just science-fiction from the olds...That could never actually happen.  Everything will inevitably work out for us for the best as evidenced by my privileged existence since I happen to have been expelled from my mother's vagina.

If someone hadn't already taken the title...and done jack-shit in the years since with it...this blog would definitely have been called stupidhumans.

But....YouTube doesn't seem to have the end of the film, so...yeah, sure, they all established a new colony in the polar regions and lived happily ever after.  And if you believe that...well, you'll probably believe the lies dripped out daily by the powers that be.  ...And you'll be happier for it...

Forget everything you just heard and go back to sleep.

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