04 June, 2015

That Full-Scale Invasion of Ukraine by Russia

President Petro Poroshenko has told MPs the military must prepare to defend against a possible "full-scale invasion" from Russia, amid a surge of violence in eastern Ukraine.
In his annual address to parliament, Mr Poroshenko warned of a "colossal threat" from the rising violence.
"Ukraine's military should be ready for a new offensive by the enemy, as well as a full-scale invasion along the entire border with the Russian Federation," he said. "We must be really prepared for this."

Any minute now, T-90 tanks will be rolling towards Kyiv as Sukhoi fighters strafe Ukrainian forces across the length of the border, and after a few weeks time, Russia will announce its intention to permanently occupy the beleaguered country in order to 'defend its citizens against the Western-backed fascist Maidan regime' !

Or not.

Maybe Russia will up the number of 'little green men' (wonder if they get a bonus when the Kremlin asks them to 'take leave' from the army for a while ?), maybe they'll send over some additional artillery pieces.  But why the hell would they want a 'full-scale invasion' ?  They have the frozen conflict they want.  If needed they could stir things up a little more, but they haven't the political will, the money, or more importantly the need for a full invasion of Ukraine.  Not that Poroshenko could do much about it if they were to do so.  The man's an idiot if he believes his own hyperbole.  Why does the Western media take this shit seriously ?

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