07 June, 2015

Kevin Drum on the Curious Rarity of Female Libertarians

Jeet Heer investigates a burning question today: why are most libertarians men? He offers several plausible explanations, but I think he misses the real one, perhaps because it's pretty unflattering to libertarians.
So here's the quick answer: Hardcore libertarianism is a fantasy. It's a fantasy where the strongest and most self-reliant folks end up at the top of the heap, and a fair number of men share the fantasy that they are these folks. They believe they've been held back by rules and regulations designed to help the weak, and in a libertarian culture their talents would be obvious and they'd naturally rise to positions of power and influence.
Most of them are wrong, of course. In a truly libertarian culture, nearly all of them would be squashed like ants—mostly by the same people who are squashing them now. But the fantasy lives on regardless.
Few women share this fantasy. I don't know why, and I don't really want to play amateur sociologist and guess.
And no reference to Orcs.  I'll add only this.  It's a fantasy which one would expect most sensible adults to eventually outgrow.  Due in part to enabling circumstances of social privilege, some never do.

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