03 June, 2015

Ceeping up with the Konsonants

Caitlyn, not Kaitlyn: Jenner decided against Kardashian tradition
NEW YORK -- Choosing between a "C" and a "K" for her new name was no small task for Caitlyn Jenner, considering her famous K-heavy family of Kardashians.
...Jenner went back and forth about how it would be spelled, deciding it was best to break the Kardashian tradition.Jenner, formerly known as Bruce, was married to Kris Jenner and step-parent to the Kardashian clan. Her daughters are also named K-names -- Kylie and Kendall.

Wait, so that's why I've been seeing headlines about the spelling of Jenner's new name ?  Not being remotely a follower of the reality-teevee 'celebrities', that never even occurred to me.  Huh.

Well, I'll just say this...

Fuck the letter K !  Damn ugly angular pretender to the throne that rightly belongs to the letter C !  If it weren't for the bloody Normans and their insistence on redundantly using the letter C in place of the letter S, we'd have had no need for the redundant consonant that is K (Yeuch !), and would have a simpler more elegant alphabet.  I mean think about it: how many strokes does it take (in non-cursive writing) to write the letter K ?  Two minimum.  For most, probably three.  And the letter C ?  Just one simple elegant curve.

C > K

'Nuff said.

PS, don't get me started on Þ & Ð.

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