02 April, 2015

UK General Elections

I love these little candidate-lineup thingies.  Seems to be a thing these days.  And while I do wonder why the editor behind this particular pic. chose to make it a blokes-only affair, much props. for giving us the Farage-with-beer look.  If the UK elections are destined to become ever more like those in the US, it only makes sense that we apply the 'who'd ya like to have a beer with' test, in which case, Farage should be dictator-for-life.  I mean, look at these four faces: Nick ?...Dave ?...Ed ? (sigh)...or Nige ?!

And the Telegraph has one of those Party-Affiliation-Guessing things on their site.  Cool !  How'd I do ?

Ha !  News to me...  Try again ?

Tha' Lib-Dems ?  Awesome !  But...seriously, we can do better than that surely...

YES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*The fact that neither of the two major parties were highlighted in these results may or may not be a coincidence.

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