10 April, 2015

Your Daily Bullshit from the Tabloid Media, Complete with Chemtrails !

We do just love us some conspiracy-theories when it comes to air-disasters, don't we ? So, this story seems to be doing the rounds currently at all the usual tabloids:

So nothing to do with the suicidal pilot, the plane was hacked !  Wait, what was that you said ?  Bullshit ?  But it's from (a letter to) the Financial Times, so that makes it serious journalism.  Much props tabloid journos.  We've got us a quote from an 'aviation expert', the president of an actual (seemingly now defunct) airline.  Mister Matt Andersson.  Hmm, I wonder...

Wait, what's that second picture say again ?

Huh.  Weaponisation of weather.  Chemtrails.  Someone make this shit up ?  Where'd it come from ?  Oh, the Letters section of the Guardian:

Few in the civil sector fully understand that geoengineering is primarily a military science and has nothing to do with either cooling the planet or lowering carbon emissions (Report, 6 February). While seemingly fantastical, weather has been weaponised. At least four countries – the US, Russia, China and Israel – possess the technology and organisation to regularly alter weather and geologic events for various military and black operations, which are tied to secondary objectives, including demographic, energy and agricultural resource management.
Indeed, warfare now includes the technological ability to induce, enhance or direct cyclonic events, earthquakes, draught and flooding, including the use of polymerised aerosol viral agents and radioactive particulates carried through global weather systems. Various themes in public debate, including global warming, have unfortunately been subsumed into much larger military and commercial objectives that have nothing to do with broad public environmental concerns. These include the gradual warming of polar regions to facilitate naval navigation and resource extraction.
Matt AnderssonFormer executive adviser, aerospace & defence, Booz Allen Hamilton, Chicago

And similar comments over at the Economist, goody...

Cosy amid the thaw

Sir, The public and press are largely uninformed (and misled) as to the actual Geo-engineering operations being conducted by military and certain cooperating commercial interests to effectively "melt" the artic for naval navigation and resource extraction.
Readers may enjoy my opinion in the Guardian, "At War Over Geoengineering," 9 February 2012.

Frying tonight

Home Frying
EM or DEW's of various design have fairly wide presence in advanced world militaries, including Russia, China, Japan and Israel.
While their application naturally fits into the military "kill chain" and weapons mix, its most wide-spread use, and the most active applications planning and design, is for civilian control, abuse, intimidation and general dominion.
Moreover, certain of DEW's are carried, amplified, or enabled by atmospheric management, which is why several thousand metric tons of metal and chemical particulate matter are being introduced into the upper atmsophere on a weekly basis in several nations.
Lastly, EM weapons were on full display on 911 for anyone looking. Together with UAV's they represent a further abstraction and Aesopian routine that make killing institutional, anonymous and unnaccountable.

Beating a retreat

The Co-Option of Global Warming.
Ever since the late Edward Teller co-authored the 1997 paper, “Global Warming and Ice Ages: Prospects for Physics-Based Modulation of Global Change,” the global warming industry has been on a global cooling agenda. Or at least that’s what they think.
Teller advocated for a massive application of metal particulates, among other materials, into the atmosphere to create a reflective “metallic sun screen” that results in lowered UV radiation and assumed cooling. But this metallic screen was also discovered to possess the inherent capability to act as a transmission or amplification “web” for various military directed energy weapons and for tactical weather modification, as well as a potential suspension and delivery medium for bio-warfare purposes, including depopulation. Together, these three agendas have become fused into a new self-reinforcing “iron triangle.” Every day across the US, Canada and many parts of Europe, high-altitude mission-specific tanker, civil and other aircraft are spraying hundreds of metric tons of polymerised and ionised sub-micron barium, thorium, uranium and aluminum, among other materials (including mercury and arsenic), under the ambiguity and abstraction of a benign UN public-private atmospheric and geo-engineering program directed at countering “global warming.”

Along with some other shit about Norway having just been invaded (I don't even...whatever).

And, back over at the letters section of the Financial Times (hey we've come full-circle):
September 16, 2011 1:46 am
Geo-engineering trial follows in US slipstream
From Mr Matt Andersson.
Sir, Regarding “Trial aims to hose down warming climate” (FT.com, September 14), parties in the UK may be conducting a trial to test the feasibility of eventually injecting particulate matter into the atmosphere to cool terrestrial temperatures, but the US has been in full swing at it for nearly a decade. Dozens of aerospace, defence and technical companies like ours have been advising into the initiative for many years.
In 1997, Edward Teller co-authored a white paper, “Prospects for physics-based modulation of global change”, where he advocated the large-scale introduction of metal particulates into the upper atmosphere to apply an effective “sun screen”. A subsequent series of tests to create a polymarised and ionised mixture of certain metals, including aluminium, barium, thorium and selenium, among other contents, was perfected and tested in US facilities. A joint public-private operation, initially called “Cloverleaf”, was operationalised and subsequently supported by US state and federal weather modification legislature.
Throughout the continental US, dozens of tanker and other aircraft are daily applying thousands of gallons of aerosol nano-particulates that serve several objectives, including the purported ability to reflect UV radiation. Similar operations are being conducted in Canada and parts of Europe.
What the actual secondary effects of this operation are, including human health impacts, are currently unknown or undisclosed. The Bristol university team may be wise to “hose down” those facts as well. In the meantime, anthropogenic climate impact is in this regard, quite real indeed.
Matt Andersson, President, Indigo Aerospace, Chicago, IL, US

Hey, Matt Andersson, you might want to look into identity-theft.  Someone seems to keep posting crazy shit under your name to the letters sections of the UK press.  Hey tabloid-media:

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