26 April, 2015

...And the Telegraph Entertains

7 leaders answer 7 questions

6. Setting aside your differences, which one of your political rivals has impressed you most and why?
Natalie Bennett: It took some guts for Ed Miliband to stand up to Murdoch - most leaders wouldn’t have done that...
So looking for a seat (singular probably) in a Labour coalition are we Nat. ?
..., and David Cameron stood up to many in his own party on gay marriage.
Hedging yer bets much ?
Leanne Wood: Nicola Sturgeon. She is tenacious and determined and an advocate for her country.
Nicola Sturgeon: Leanne Wood, the leader of Plaid Cymru – she was fantastic in the debates, quite rightly putting Nigel Farage in his place.

7. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
David Cameron: I wish I’d worked harder at speaking another language.
Sure, Dave.
Ed Miliband: I would always like to spend more time with my wife, Justine, and our children Daniel and Sam.
Uh, then why the hell are you campaigning to be PM ?
Nigel Farage: I'm too tolerant, sometimes. When it comes to loyalty, I often offer too much, even to people who have let me down repeatedly. Maybe I need to be more cutthroat.
And there's the headline...
Nick Clegg: I’d be Prime Minister.
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