22 April, 2015

Yes, I Clicked on Stupid Fucking Clickbait from Politico...

I don't even like Hillary, but WTF is this ?  Is it her fault that her party (well, the one she ended up with, via Bill) is so complacent and flaccid ?  That they haven't the imagination to come up with an alternative to the last election's choice between Barry & Hill ? That they have failed so utterly in encouraging young talent to rise up through the ranks and become established in the media and in the public imagination ?  That they, like the Republicans with McCain & Romney, are so willing to accept the idea that a name-brand politician should be somehow entitled to the nomination, because it's 'their turn' ?

What exactly should Hillary do, instead of 'un-running' for President ?  (I'm assuming here I guess that not running at all, and contributing to society in a way more fitting her talents is not an option...)  And as for 'the press must now cover the Clinton 2016 slow lane the best they can', well fuck them.  The press doesn't have to do shit.  How about having their anchor (if such a position still exists) going on camera during prime-time (again, if such a thing truly still exists), and reminding the public that it is still more than eighteen fucking months till the election, and trying to find actual meaningful non-horserace news to cover in the interval ?  What other country runs or covers elections this way ?  But then, what would the likes of Politico do ?  How would they survive ?

And fuck whatever editor chose the picture of Hillary above.  a) For the bleeding fucking obvious, and b) for the criminal waste of blank space.

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