03 October, 2015

Pre-Hu Rant

Part of me avoids saying what I might about Nu-Who if only because its audience is largely that of millennials & younger, even if created by those my age and even older.  And fuck, they already outnumber us...

But, this 'Class' nonsense....MUST DIE !!!


Unless it has been thought up solely as a project with which to totally remove one S. Moffat's attention from Doctor Who (with a properly appointed successor in play) and/or it includes the involvement of one J. Whitehall and one M. Gomez.

And I Do Not Want to Hear that the several Coal-Hill-based eps. of the last dire series were in fact wilful pilots for this nonsense.  I hate Mister Moffat quite enough already thank ye much.  I need no reason to further despise the Barstard.  I was in fact trying to work my way into seeing a redemption in the latest series, till the bastard BBC dropped this latest turd on ev'ryone's head.  Fuck ev'ryone involved in this shit !

An even-worse companion than Clara ?

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