12 October, 2015

Link Dump (Columbus Day Edition*)

Jeremy Corbyn stripped of 'Right Honourable' title after his 'snub' of the Privy Council.  He's devastated, I'm sure.

Meanwhile, here's some less humorous 'news' from the Telegraph regarding Corbyn and the IRA.

SF Weekly: Local Journalist Could Face 25 Year Prison Sentence for Defacing LA Times Website.  'Cos in today's world, if you fuck with corporations, you're a 'terrorist', and we have to make an example of you.

Politifact: Were more preschoolers shot and killed in 2013 than police officers?  Do you really need to ask ?

Guardian: Facebook paid £4,327 corporation tax despite £35m staff bonuses.

EFF: The Final Leaked TPP Text is All That We Feared.  Basically, good news for multinational corporations, bad news for everyone else.  But, hey we dodged that 120-year copyright...

Huffington Post: New Blood Test Helps ER Docs Rule Out A Heart Attack.

Daily Mail: Megyn Kelly's bloody tampon, a 'sexy Ebola victim' and a marijuana suit for your BABY: Femail reveals the most offensive costumes set to give you the creeps this Halloween.  No costume involving Syrian migrants though ?  Really ?  Well, there is always this tastelessness...

Mindblowing...New York Times: 2 Outside Reviews Say Cleveland Officer Acted Reasonably in Shooting Tamir Rice, 12.  Zooming right up to the kid and shooting him dead two seconds later, yeah, that's reasonable alright...

Related ?  Raw Story: Perception of time slows down for some white people when viewing a black face, study finds.

Meanwhile...in Florida...Orlando Weekly: Florida could pay you $200,000 for shooting someone and claiming self-defense.  So, the prosecution would have the burden of proof that you weren't threatened if you murder someone, and if they can't do so, they may have to cough up on your behalf big time.  Who's betting this bill won't pass in the legislature ?

Politico: Gallup gives up the horse race.  Might be a tad obvious, but kudos for the headline regardless.

RT: Micro-satellite to inspect if Americans did land on Moon.  Want to answer the debate once and for all, apparently.**  Umm, they could've just asked Mitchell and Webb...

Speaking of conspiracy-theories...Politico: Yes, the CIA Director Was Part of the JFK Assassination Cover-Up.

The new Cold War marches on apace: Michael Fallon: UK to send troops to Baltic region.

Gizmodo: A Massive Bleaching Event is Threatening the World’s Coral Reefs.  World: <shrug>.

Of course we shrug off this much like we shrug off shooting-deaths in America, out of a sense of futility, of impotence.  Would that we'd known about climate-change earlier, huh ?

Oh, yeah: Exxon’s Own Scientists Confirmed Climate Change—In the 70s.  Nineteen-fuckin'-seventy-seven...

BBC: Manchester raids see more than a million cigarettes seized.  People buying and selling cigarettes illegally, huh ?

BBC: Tobacco tax increase urged by parliamentary group.  No comment.

The Dems' sure are having some fun with the Repubs' difficulty finding a Speaker to replace John Boehner:

New Scientist: Drug could kill harmful bacteria but leave benign ones untouched.  Genetically engineered phage viruses, specifically.

Scientific American: First Ancient African Genome Reveals Vast Eurasian Migration.

BBC: The creature with the key to immortality?  It's sea-anemones.

Oh yeah, and 'Spongebrain'*** Ben Carson said a whole bunch of stupid things regarding guns, victim-blaming, Popeyes, and the Holocaust.  Anything I link to here today will be outdone by whatever he says tomorrow.

Hell, let's end on a lighter note with a 'toon instead...So, here's humanity's future courtesy Arend van Dam:

* Or 'Indigenous Persons' Day', or what have you...

** As if any evidence would dissuade the conspiracy-theorists...

*** http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/ben-carson-sponge-brain.  Far as I'm concerned, that's his new nickname going forward.

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