30 October, 2015

Link Dump (Procrastination Edition)

Well, symmetry demands that we follow up the info-graf. of toddler-initiated shootings from the last linkdump with one for dogs, also from the Washington Post.

CNN: Persian Gulf heat: It may become too hot for humans to survive, study warns.  This, given the primary cause of said warming, is what we might call irony.  Bitter irony, but nonetheless.

New Scientist: Old rat brains rejuvenated and new neurons grown by asthma drug.

Well, if you say so...Birth order 'does not affect personality'.

Telegraph: International Space Station filled with germs, Nasa warns.
It seems the bugs like their new home in the unique environment that has experienced microgravity, space radiation, elevated carbon dioxide and continuous occupation by humans for nearly 15 years.
An analysis of dust collected from the artificial satellite found that Actinobacteria - a type of bacteria associated with human skin - made up a larger proportion of the microbial community in the ISS.
Washington Post: In 1983 ‘war scare,’ Soviet leadership feared nuclear surprise attack by U.S.  One might hope, in vain, that the modern warmongering imbecilic leaders of NATO would learn from relatively recent history...

The phrase 'politically correct' is now considered a 'microagression' apparently...

Guardian: Jeremy Clarkson: Argentinian court orders Top Gear case to be reopened.  For the horrendous crime of changing a licence-plate illegally, after Argentine mobs used said licence-plate as justification for threatening and attacking the TG crew.  FFS.

Raw Story revisits the claims that George W Bush went AWOL from the National Guard, a story ignored by the US media since Dan Rather was thrown under a bus in 2004.

Guardian: Cisa amendment would allow US to jail foreigners for crimes committed abroad.  No big government here, no sireee.

In what should be the bleeding fucking obvious: Opticians warn: don't share your coloured contact lenses.

AmericaBlog: Antioxidants aid cancer cells in metastasizing, research shows.  Awesome...

Guardian: Police seek powers to access browsing history of UK computer users.  Of course they do...

LiveScience: Crocodiles Might Literally Sleep With One Eye Open.  Scary enough, but it's the potential consequences for the mechanics of the brain that are truly fascinating.

Lov-e-ly...Vice News: Indonesia's Fires Are Emitting More Carbon Pollution Than the Entire US Economy.  Intentionally set forestfires* that is...

Guardian: Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe awarded 'China's Nobel peace prize'.  And...Mugabe then rejected it, for the understandable reason that it apparently has no actual link to the Chinese (PRC) govt.

Inquisitr: Drinking Coffee While Driving: Police Pull Over Woman For Driving And Drinking Coffee.

'Love and Sex with Robots conference cancelled for fear people would have sex with robots'

TBogg/RawStory: NRA pushing new bill to legalize silencers — to protect hunters ears.  Huh, and suppressors on average cost how much versus earmuffs, one wonders...

Independent: Saudi prince arrested in Lebanon trying to smuggle two tonnes of amphetamine pills out of the country by private jet.  Nooo, never......


MSNBC: James O’Keefe’s Clinton sting video may backfire.  I haz a sad.

Newsweek: U.N. Overwhelmingly Votes Against U.S. Embargo of Cuba for 24th Year.  The two votes against ?  Surprise, surprise: The US & Israel...

Guardian: NHS hospital to offer food parcels to patients at risk of malnutrition.  Ah, Austerity, what cost ?

No shit...WaPo: Good design causes the brain to pay more attention to news stories.  As opposed to sites filled with those intrusive ads, fake headlines, miscellaneous clickbait, pages that take forever to load with all the third-party scripts, then crash the browser, and so forth...

Daily Beast: Ben Carson’s Stabbing Story Is Full of Holes.  And because younger Spongebrain Ben Carson is an even more effective alternative to Valium than present-day Spongebrain, here's the man who could be the future leader of the free world:

C'mon, ask yourself, has an attempted stabbing even seemed a more compelling reason to make a theocratic maniac man president ?

Donald Trump picks up a valuable endorsement...from Mike Tyson.

Boing Boing: Hawaii cop reportedly punched lesbian in face after seeing public kiss.

Guardian: US warns Britain: If you leave EU you face barriers to trading with America.  Empty threat, but I can see how the EU makes negotiating insane 'trade'-deals like TTIP easier to ram thru.

Mirror: Schoolgirl facing assault charges for throwing baby carrot at her teacher.  Don't suppose it will merit a scholarship to an A&M or an invite to visit Monsanto.

The 'school resource officer' (aka cop) who ripped a student out of her desk and flung her across the room, has been fired.  Always somewhat conflicted when paid bullies are held accountable for acting exactly according to their insanely militaristic training.  And we need police in schools why exactly ?

Foreign Policy: Russia’s Winning the Electronic War.

* I am dedicated** to normalising the rendering of compoundwords in English, even if the rest of the English-speaking world is in denial.  You think the long words in German are funny, really ?

** Well, somewhat, vaguely, kinda.  Intently but lazily perhaps.

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