07 October, 2015

Link Dump (Blue Pill/Red Pill Edition)

Snowden tells us how GCHQ (and no doubt the NSA et al, also) can hack our smartphones at will, tracking us, even if the phone is switched off, taking pictures of us, etc.  And they named the various tools for spying on us after...made-up Smurf characters.  Hey, 'Dreamy Smurf' sounds kinda cute.  'Paranoid Smurf' not so much.

'Free-market' capitalism' rocks !  Bloomberg: Amazon to Ban Sale of Apple, Google Video-Streaming Devices.

The 'futurologist' telling schools they should prepare children to have to work (at shitty part-time jobs in the 'sharing economy') till they are one-hundred-years-old.  In part, supposedly because of the automation and robots taking so many existing jobs.  Well, that makes sense...Not.  Or we could accept that our existing economic model, didn't make much sense in the past, makes no sense now, and is utterly batshit-insane with the future we currently face, and seek some kind of fucking alternative...

Alex Salmond's super-secret undercover identity busted after he's blocked from boarding a British Airways flight as 'James T. Kirk'.

Telegraph: How your GP is paid to stop you going to hospital.  Oh, did we mention that these are largely cancer-patients doctors are paid not to refer to hospital ?

Reason Magazine on the evils of recycling.  Need moar landfills !

BBC with the funnies: UK end-of-life care 'best in world'.  Never heard of the Liverpool Care Pathway, then, have we Beeb ?

Finally a male contraceptive, via a protein-blocker for sperm ?

Grauniad: 'Militant leftwing' councils to be blocked from boycotting products.  By which, they mean boycotts on dealing with British arms-manufacturers, and especially BDS against Israel.

Fox Sports: Eight of Iran’s women’s football team ‘are men’.  No, never !

Former Labour-govt. official admits that they 'made a mistake' fucked up royally in promoting diesel as a supposedly eco-friendly alternative to petrol.  Whoops, sorry all those who suffered and/or died as a result of the extra pollution.  Better late than never ?

Who knew ?  Telegraph: Antarctic scientists face breathalyser tests due to alcohol-fuelled fighting and 'indecent exposure'.  Guess the Antarctic might be slightly boring...

RT: UN human rights fail: Saudi Arabia to ‘investigate themselves’ over Yemen war crimes.

A breastmilk-fortifier for prematurely born babies.

Reason on the twelve-year-old suspended from school for...staring at a girl.

Taking speed-traps to a whole new level...BBC: Speed cameras hidden in tractors criticised.

Via Balko, Jerry Brown, Libertarian crusader against excessive legislation ?

Speaking of Libertarians, the candidate for the LP in Florida in trouble for admitting to sacrificing a goat, and drinking its blood.  Er, whatever dude.  Who cares ?  Now tell us how your policies won't further enrich the wealthy and fuck over the poor.

Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson's special debate-strategy: Imagine the other candidates as cute babies.  Man must have a hell of an imagination.  Then again, he is a highly-educated neurosurgeon who believes the Earth to be six-thousand years old...

Oh yeah, here's the same Ben Carson joking about his encounters with police in his youth 'back in the days before they would shoot you.'  Hee Hee.

And Ben Carson here & here advocating arming kindergarten-teachers.  That'll work out well no doubt.

Bullshit !  PR Newswire: New Survey Uncovers, Men Who Tuck Are Happier, More Successful, And Generally More Optimistic.  Their shirts that is.  And oh yeah, the poll was paid for by Fruit of the Loom...

Al.com: Voter ID and driver's license office closures black-out Alabama's Black Belt.  So, the Republicans in Alabama instituted bullshit Voter-ID Laws, then just happened to close the DMV-offices in poorer, largely black (and thus Democratic-voting) counties.  Whadda coinky-dink !

Mirror: Jeremy Hunt wants poor Brits to work like the Chinese in new insult piled on tax credit cuts.  Well, Somalia is more like the ultimate goal.  Obscene wealth for the 1%, lowest common denominator for ev'ryone else.

War is Boring on how Russia may be using their activities in Syria to spy on the US' F-22.

Rhetorical question from the New Statesman: Why is the government giving £45m to Roman Abramovich while letting a British steelworks go to the wall?

Oh yeah, and the evil TPP deal was finally agreed (look it up).  The details may or may not be available to the public a few decades from now...when the damage is already done.  Happy hump-day !

Update: Oh lookee, Hillary-come-lately finally voiced her bold opposition to the trade-deal she previously praised & helped promote whilst in office, now that the deal has been inked by all the nations involved, and Obama has the 'Fast Track' power to ram it through Congress without the possibility of debate or amendment.

What courage from the would-be future leader of the free world, she who so vehemently opposed the war in Iraq that she voted for its authorisation, and she who hemmed and hawed for months on the Keystone XL pipeline-deal she previously supported whilst in the administration, till prolonged low oil-prices made it politically and economically unviable !  Bold bold Hillary !

'Don't need a weatherman' do ya ?

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