25 February, 2015

The Arquettegate Intersectionality

So, Patricia Arquette made some comments backstage at the Oscars, à propos of her call for pay-equality for women, that were perhaps not best calculated, and apparently people took it badly, and argued about it on Twitter, as people will.  Whatever, don't care, move on.  Having read a transcript of Arquette's comments, and not following Twitter, I naively assumed that the cause of offence was the implication that somehow the fights for equality for racial minorities and the 'gay community' were already and fully won, and that now it was the time to focus on women.  But, no.

Being fool enough to listen to a certain podcast (rhymes with rib lime), I am reliably informed that the problem was 'Intersectionality'.  Okay, let's take a look-see on the old wiki, and ah, fuck me.  Scroll, scroll, scroll...'a Marxist-feminist critical theory'...ugh.  I'm remembering now why I never liked liberals when I was younger.  Yeah, I get it, the experience of a black lesbian is different from that of say a black man or a white woman, and people can be oppressed along multiple axes of identity.  Yeah, no shit.

So what, we're to think that Patricia Arquette is so blinded by white privilege that she doesn't know that, or is it that she didn't break down her grouping of people by every one of an infinite number of 'Intersectionalities' ?  What about left-handed height-challenged red-headed, gender-questioning, inter-sex Samoans, huh Patricia ?  What about Lanuola here ?  What do you have to say about her experiences, huh, rich white lady ?  Did you know she had a lisp when she was younger ?  How can you speak to her experience of being a left-handed height-challenged red-headed, gender-questioning, inter-sex Samoan with a lisp when you disappear the Lisp population ?  Can't you see how problematic your language might be ?  Have you read any Marxist-feminist interpretations of Intersectionality at all ?  Maybe you should educate yourself before you mouth off glibly at the Oscars about how wouldn't it be nice if women (by which you mean white cis-gendered hetero Christian conservative women of course) got equal pay to men.  Gah.  I'm reminded of all the bickering in the 'gay community' of which LGBTQIALPHABETSOUP acronym to use.

I think I need to go have a hot shower of right-wing talk radio, and follow it up by imbibing several pints of Fox News.  I'll be turning into Rush Limbaugh any moment now.  I, I...system error...does not compute...Barack Obama is not a true American...kill all the Other....Socialism...Commie bastards...Libtards...why do you hate America?...Job Creators...class warfare...entitlements...Pleb scum...Taqqiya...no-go zones...Saul Alinsky..hard-working taxpayers...Ayn Rand...Austrian economists...Ronald Reagan...lamestream media...MAOA gene...bell curve...Enoch was right...Enoch was right...

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