11 February, 2015

Sleater-Kinney: Combat Rock

Since when is scepticism un-American ?

Not sure how I'd have got through the Bush years without the likes of Sleater-Kinney.  But then, what to say of the years since, in the inter-regnum till Uncle Barry hands the reins over to Hill' ?  It's one's thing to feel justifiable outrage when you think there's an alternative; another entirely when there's demonstrably nothing of the sort, when there is (as there has been most of my life), nothing but shit, slightly shittier, and shit-on-a-stick...  In 2016, America will elect as president either a) the most right-wing Fascistic Democratic politician, or b) a lunatic-fringe Tea-Party Republican who makes the most right-wing Democrat look like fucking Gandhi or Jesus.  This is representative of the totality of the options for most Americans.  And the options for most Britons are scarcely better.  Fuck us all.

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