15 February, 2015

'Officer involved shooting' in Pasco, Washington

Another day in America.  Really, it isn't surprising that a disturbed homeless guy throwing rocks at American police would end up with his body riddled with bullets -- That's as likely to be the result of someone, especially of the non-melanin-deficient variety, looking at a cop the wrong way in the United States.  What's really surprising is that he somehow survived a incident a year earlier in which he supposedly 'grabbed for one officer's gun while he was being detained'.  Michael Brown could perhaps tell us how that might go down...were he not very dead, from his own encounter.

After a while one is almost numbed to this shit.  Almost.  There's something about seeing a real human being intentionally gunned down on camera.  By the state.  Someone's son.  Someone's brother.  Someone's father.  Shit.

And then handcuffing the already-dead guy's body, and apparently leaving it out in the street all night.  Real classy.

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