05 February, 2015

Stay classy, Cristina...

Argentine President Mocks Chinese Accent on Twitter

Argentina’s President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner caused a furore on Wednesday by joking about her hosts’ accents while on a state visit to China seeking badly needed investment.
Fernández tried to mimic a Chinese accent by switching “rs” with “ls” in a tweet in Spanish that translates as: “Did they only come for lice and petloleum.”
The controversy comes as Fernández struggles to distance herself from the mysterious death of prosecutor Alberto Nisman, who was found dead in his bathroom on 18 January, hours before he was to elaborate on allegations that Fernández helped shield Iranians connected to the 1994 bombing of a Jewish community centre that killed 85.

But, bad economy, debt, the oh-so-convenient death of a political enemy...  I can see why Cristina might see any distraction from domestic politics back in Argentina as a.....Oh, yeah...This could be a bad sign...

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