04 January, 2015

Cabin Pressure, Bon Voyage

Finally listened to the long-awaited finale of 'Cabin Pressure', one of the greatest sitcoms of our age, and it certainly lives up to, although hardly exceeds Finnemore's earlier efforts.  It's perfect timing really, to go out, with a show-count that just so happens to match that of the number of letters in the English alphabet.  I'm less fond frankly of JF's other output than that of the characters of MJN Air, but the guy's evidently a genius.  Check out his blog at http://johnfinnemore.blogspot.com if you're somehow still in any doubt in this regard.

I'd recommend you go buy the episodes now, along with the rest of the series, if you hadn't already, but, the private organisation to which the BBC, in their infinite wisdom, gave the commercial rights to almost all of the historical radio/audio output of the BBC went bankrupt, and now almost all the radio licence-payer-funded content of what was the BBC is now in the hands of American entities like Audible, the likes of which I would scarcely recommend on my deathbed.  AudioGo were hardly perfect, but compared to Audible...  The latter's parent company were originally known for and still host a moderately functional search engine.  Use it if you will.  And bung a few dollars or quid in Finnemore's direction if you appreciate his work.  I'll leave my ultimate opinion of Audible unsaid.  And as for the cretin the politicos seem to end up choosing to head the BBC...

'The Lemon is in Play...'

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