26 December, 2014

Last Christmas: It was all a dream, again, and you're stuck with Clara Oswald, and me Steven Moffat, like it or not, losers...

Please God, no !?  That asshole Steven Moffat has determined to afflict us with another year (or more ?) of Clara fucking Oswald ?  Against all odds, I tried again to give Moffat 2.0 Who a chance, and really really wanted to like this Christmas Special; was yet again willing to give the show a chance.  I could overlook ripping off Alien, ripping off Inception, ripping off Big Finish (hello, why do you think the show was able to come back to TV in the first place ?), but fuck !...  And I never even published (maybe I still will) my rant about how much the obsessive and soap-opera-ish focus on Clara (to the extent of all else) ruined the last year's worth of Doctor Who.  But it's Christmas, so I suppose I should say...something nice.  Well,...I really appreciated seeing the lovely Natalie Gumede as something other than the psycho-bitch girlfriend of Tyrone on Corrie.  Wouldn't mind seeing more of her as anything other than Kirsty Soames.  And hell, I dream of the day that I can see Jenna Coleman without immediately thinking of that growing stain on Doctor Who that is Clara 'Greatest Fucking Companion of all Time and Space' Oswald.  The 'Moff' just added a year or more to the date of our eventual liberation.  Damnit !

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