25 June, 2015

Republican Presidential Candidates with Guns

Was actually looking for Bobby Jindal's campaign-logo, when this fun family-foto caught my eye.

Bobby & Supriya Jolly Jindal

Which got me wondering about the other Republican candidates posing for pictures with guns.

Rick Santorum

Rick Perry

Marco Rubio

Mike Huckabee

Ted Cruz (also seen in video at top with machine-gun)

Rand Paul

Lindsey Graham

Scott Walker

Worth mentioning of course that many of those above represent or hail from Southern and more rural states.  Where hunting is popular.  Which is why in half or more of the pictures, the weapons in question are...assault rifles.

Not featured above: Jeb Bush, Carly Fiorina, John Kasich, Ben Carson, George Pataki, and Donald Trump.

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