17 June, 2015

Buy Water-Stocks NOW !

Here's some fun news from those radical leftists at the Financial Times:
More than a third of the world’s biggest aquifers, a vital source of fresh water for millions, are “in distress” because human activities are draining them, according to satellite observations.
Scientists from Nasa, the US space agency, and the University of California, Irvine, analysed 10 years of data from the twin Grace satellites, which measure changes in groundwater reserves by the way they affect Earth’s gravitational pull.
“Over a third [13] are so bad that they are experiencing exceptionally high levels of stress.”
The problem is most serious in regions where rainfall and snowmelt cannot make up for water extracted for agriculture, industry, drinking and other human purposes.
The scientists determined aquifers’ overall stress rates on the basis of their depletion over 10 years of satellite measurements, together with their potential for replenishment, taking account of regional climate and human activities.
The results, published in the Water Resources Research journal, show that the Arabian Aquifer System, an important water source for more than 60m people, is the most “overstressed” in the world.
It is followed by the Indus Basin aquifer of India and Pakistan and the Murzuq-Djado Basin in northern Africa. California’s Central Valley, currently at the centre of a political battle over water rights, was classed as “highly stressed” and suffering rapid depletion — mainly for agriculture.
Although many of the world’s great aquifers are being drained rapidly, there is “little to no accurate data about how much water remains in them,” the researchers added.

Not that we acknowledge there's a problem at all, because it's all God's will, and this is clearly a false Satanic conspiracy by those evil liberals, but surely the answer is more prayer, more oppression of the gays, more discrimination against the browns, more dismantling of whatever may remain of the social safety-net, and more bombs landing on those heathen Muslim hordes, huh ?

And we....are the...civilised ones...of course...?

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