16 June, 2015

Last Words on Labour for a While...I Hope

Lots of people giving (mostly unwanted) advice to the Labour Party in the UK Media.  So I'll join the club and throw in my two penneth...Just make up your fucking minds already.

Are you the party of the working classes or not ?  Are you a socialist party, a social democratic party, a liberal party, or, as all the evidence would suggest, a wolf in sheep's clothing: a Right-wing party pretending at still having some vague slightly left-of-centre connections.


  1. Just join the Tories already and have done with it.
  2. Embrace fully your nominal socialist roots (and yes, quite possibly electoral oblivion)
  3. Join the Lib-Dems in trying to resurrect the party of opposition that once was. *
  4. Create an entirely new political party...or
  5. Resign from politics and shut the fuck up.

You already shat all over multiple generations of Labour-supporters in the Blair/Brown era.  Now you seem determined to convince a new generation of an ever-more vague 'middle way' in which you  from day-to-day somehow represent some hypothetical slightly left-of-whatever-the-Tories-currently-espouse politics, and, you know what....it will fail.  You will fail.  It is pointless.  You, increasingly, are pointless.  If you don't like the name of your party, change it; Or better yet, just change parties.

For Jeremy Corbyn, choice two would seem obvious.

For the rest of the candidates for leadership, were they honest, and not terrified at what that might do for their careers, I'd guess at choice one for the lot.  Were they decent human beings, perhaps choice five.  Were they truly committed to principles rather than political power, maybe choices three or four.

Oh, and for the record, no, I am not a Labourite.  Poor Ed is the closest I ever came, and at this rate, the closest I ever will.  And my personal choice of those I posted above, would...I have to say, however reluctantly, be number three.  The forces of (to use slightly inflammatory language) anti-fascist resistance in British politics have been divided for far too long.  And the term 'fascist' is looking ever less hyperbolic what with the hyper-nationalism, the constant othering of minorities, the renewed snoopers' charter, the indefinite detentions, the torture, the endless war, the corrupt corporate influence, the abuses in the name of the so-called 'war on terror', and so on.

There.  Said my fill.  Now, I'll shut up.**

* Actually, attracting the generally populist but anti-immigrant-supporters of UKIP might be your biggest challenge in said hypothetical coalition.

** Well, on just that subject, obviously...

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