26 June, 2015

Nick Clegg's Annihilation Lap

Watching this reminds me of my ongoing reaction to the hullabaloo regarding the Supreme Court's decisions on so-called 'ObamaCare', aka the ACA.  I don't want the fascist asshole Republicans to get their way in denying insurance to people by constantly attacking the healthcare-law they christened 'Obamacare' despite it being modelled on their own party's proposals in the 'nineties for an alternative to the plan of the Clinton administration.  But the law still sucks.  It's still flawed.  It's functionality still depends upon forcing people to hand over money involuntarily to massive corporations.  And people will still die for lack of coverage, and/or the inability to pay.

Still, arguably horrible law as it is, missed generational opportunity at real reform as it may represent ('May' ?  Who the fuck are we kidding ?), the fact is that people can obtain healthcare in the United States now who couldn't before, and who might not have been able to shortly if the Supreme Court had agreed with the latest (completely bullshit) attack on the ACA.

What did Nick Clegg's sellout buy any one ? The idea that he prevented a global economic meltdown by getting into bed with the Tories is absurd -- Every nation on Earth faced similar political considerations, including the far-more financially significant United States, but where else did a political party feel the need to sell out generations' worth of political principle for short-term power ?  And if the Lib-Dems had not done a deal with the Tories, what ?  What evidence was there at the time even remotely suggesting that there could be catastrophic outcomes without the coalition ?  What evidence since ?

It pains me to watch this, because I'm inclined to like Nick Clegg, to root for the Liberal Democrats.  Even now.  Even despite all that fucker has done to destroy his own party's brand.  And especially as the so-called Labour party seems divided between possibly genuinely loony Marxists like Corbyn and complete right-wing frauds like the rest of the scumbags vying for leadership.

And that's all I have to say.  I feel the need to say something witty, something controversial perhaps, but no, this asshole just makes me sad.  His incompetence, his idiocy, his vanity...all of it...just...makes...me...sad.

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