22 June, 2015

Accepting, Learning, Adjusting...

With the Pope's recent encyclical, the right-wing in American (professional) politics have predictably gone bezerk, including supposedly Catholic politicians in the GOP, but I get the sense from Catholic and mainstream media that the laity are more or less taking it in their stride.  Seems like the overall attitude is okay, this isn't something we've traditionally focused on that much, but now that Il Papa's had his say, maybe it's time to learn a little more and find out how we can apply what he said to our lives...  Catholicism is inherently conservative of course, and quite slow to change as a result, but there's a difference between conservative and radical (which would be a more appropriate label for many political & religious groups in the West that misuse the former term).

The Catholic Church isn't the one desperately trying to prove that the Earth is six-thousand years old, or insisting that every word of the Bible must be interpreted literally.  For that we have various evangelical organisations, some of them every bit as extreme in their interpretations of the Book and how it must determine every aspect of human society as their Muslim equivalents in the Middle East.  But sometimes we, certainly I, forget that difference.  And then it comes as a surprise, though it probably shouldn't, when the message from the Church is a fairly moderate, even sensible one. *

* Wanted, really really wanted, to embed the full video, which said somewhat more, but guess FN's scripts & Blogger don't play nicely together...Grumble...  Full video here:http://video.foxnews.com/v/4311350106001/cardinal-donald-wuerl-on-popes-climate-change-message/?#sp=show-clips

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