17 June, 2015

Attention Cartographers

Mount Everest has moved 1.2 inches (3cm) - and changed direction - because of the Nepal earthquake, according to a geological survey by the Chinese government.
It's easy to forget that world's highest peak is moving, both laterally and horizontally. That process has been affected by the 7.8-magnitude earthquake, according to research reported in the state-run China Daily newspaper.
According to research by the Chinese government's National Administration of Surveying, Mapping and Geoinformation, the mountain has moved 3cm to the south-west since the quake, AFP reported.

We should re-draw the borders immediately !  Those three centimetres of mountain were historically Chinese territory and must remain ever thus !

Gets stupider below the fold...

Of course, the true prior claim surely belongs to the people of India, since the mountain is formed out of land from the portion of Pangaea that broke off in the form of the Indian subcontinent.

But oh wait...there weren't any humans then, were there ?  Should we work with a delegation of the ferns ?  Or were there dinosaurs by then ?  I know, we'll consult with the chickens as the most populous descendants of the dinosaur community, and let them decide...

It'll make as much sense as the way we decide such disputes currently.

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