12 April, 2015

Waiting Auntie Hill's Announcement with Baited Breath

So, with Auntie Hill. announcing her bid for the presidency shortly (what, you didn't know she was running ?), I guess 2016-season is officially open.  Only 575 days till the election !  Yippee !

And so, I guess I need to release my version of the all-important candidate-lineup-thingee for 2016:

Sure is crowded, huh ?  Though Hillary is pretty much the only serious candidate for the Democratic party (bad bad bad idea morons not giving her at least some competition in the primaries, if only to prepare her for what's to come), while, as was the case last time, the Republican clown-car is overflowing with lunatic pretenders (also not such a great idea).  What fun will be had.  And only...another 575 days and counting !

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