19 April, 2015

themarketbusiness.com: I Can Haz Fake News-Organisation?

Maybe I should have gone with the story about the cat-hunting vet...

Okay, what happened is, I clicked on a story because I just couldn't make head nor tail of the headline.  And still couldn't understand a fucking word of what I was reading.  And thought for a second or two, that it was just the science-y stuff going over my head, but no...it's just utter fucking gibberish.

Analysts of the School of Manchester have discovered a new study that light shadow dramatically affects how animals only report what time of day it is, like the shadow exchange comes from within the biological clock of the brain itself. The physiology of animals and pets habits modification according to what time of day it is, why there is the threat of arrest or time to go hunting.
The research study was published Friday in the journal PLoS Biology, and also shows how the researchers examined the changing light at dusk and dawn to see what tone represents a particular time of day. And, while it has been recognized that there are changes in the intensity of light as the sun rises and sets, the study group research found that golden light is bluer compared to the one on the day. Electric task of brain clocks computer mice were also analyzed, since subjects are shown various aesthetic stimuli and found that their nerve cells were much more aware of color from blue to yellow adjustments in contrast adjustments to brightness .
The next step was to develop a model that simulates daily sky shade and light settings. When computer mice were placed in the sky substitute for several days, your body temperature were higher just after sunset, as the sky a dark blue lit. If the sky brightness is altered, but the actual shade, computer mice were much stronger before sunset, verification that her biological clock was not in sync with the regular cycle of day and night.
To ensure that this change in the temperature level was undoubtedly due to a change in the clock, scientists analyzed SCN slices from mice associated with heaven synthetic experiment. “One of the surprising aspects of the clock,” Brown says, is that “when you take it out of a pet and put it in a meal, the cells remain to shoot.” By measuring the distance of throw in some sliced, the scientists could bring if the clock running fast or reduced. The cells of mice that do not see variant delayed shadow behind those who did, a confirmation that the change in the level of peak physical body temperature was due to the clock, the group reports today in PLoS Biology.
Visits brownish human potential applications in this work. “What this opens the possibility of improving existing alreadying ways to deal with jet lag or things like seasonal depression disorder,” he says. A technique for dealing with jet lag is a light box that immerses a traveler to intense light to deceive his / her watch. Including shade for light could provide much better results, says Brown. The new finding may even change our understanding of why the vision shadow developed. Analysts suggest that it could have been a much better means for pets to set their clocks in a world where clouds could minimize glare from light yet still allow colors radiate through.

And no, it's not just this one story; there's page after page of this crap, on every news-story imaginable, all written in the same unintelligible style that looks like someone ran this garbage through a sub-standard auto-translate and back a couple of times.  Lack of apostrophes and misuse of pronouns are dead giveaways.

Although I am sorta liking the sound of 'heaven synthetic experiment', and 'brownish human potential applications'.

Here's some more clippets from the headlines on themarketbusiness.com:

A measles outbreak has appeared at Disneyland in 2014. The epidemic was rapidly affecting more than half of Americans and has infected 147 people across the country.
( So...there are fewer than 294 people living in the US ? ...)
The scientist in Israel claims to have designed a breath test with the help of which an individual can be detected of the chances of development of stomach cancer. 
A convicted serial murderer California went on a rampage nine days the lives of four people dead
According to a recent study by the University of California School of Medicine, San Diego, is that people who smoke electronic cigarette are less likely to quit smoking.
 A recent study said that electronic cigarette was not healthy, because its flavored vapor can cause irritation of mucous, although the FDA has approved its steam consumption. Thus the conclusion of the study was written by James F.Pankow, a professor of chemistry and civil engineering and environment at Portland State ...
Research Division of Disney has released a innovative 3D printer machine that can use the fabric to make a funny gewgaws. Fabrics are cutted with a laser and then processed with adhesive heat layer, and other similar layer will be placed thereon, and so on layer by layer.
IBM has lately announced of his new business unit called Watson Health, which shall provide users the access to Watson supercomputers helpful in analyzing healthcare data.
Hillary Rodham Clinton will launch the speculative end of the month which is seen by many as the most speculation related to the presidential campaign of 2016. The launch is determined with the topic of conversation along with an impressive selection of the economic needs of middle class families. 
There is always a danger of orbital debris for satellites and spacecrafts. Therefore, several technologies have been developed to deal with, like gas clouds, nets and screens. The big problem that occurs is that most of these technologies can detect orbital debris with large size only.

As for this particular story, looks like there may be several other alternate copy-and-paste/auto-translate versions around the web, though a few more intelligible versions may be found here:




So, 'threat of arrest or time to go hunting' is dawn and dusk, 'Brownish' refers to a Doctor Timothy Brown, 'heaven synthetic' is artificial sky, and SCN refers to suprachiasmatic nucleus (nope, still none the wiser on that one).  I can't be bothered translating the rest of this crap.

themarketbusiness.com for the record, appears to be registered privately at GoDaddy via Domains By Proxy, LLC, and the associated IP appears to be in Amsterdam.  Can't find any other evidence as to who these guys are.  Maybe Google could work on a search-algorithm to differentiate actual news-sites from this auto-translated idiocy.

And for the record: I have nothing against non-native speakers of English using auto-translate, especially if its just somebody's blog or writing comments on a website.  But this sort of incompetent copy-and-paste 'journalism' pisses me off, even when the end-result isn't utterly unreadable gibberish.

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