09 April, 2015

Dick Still Alive; Still a Dick

The more time passes since he left office, the more respect I have for George W Bush.  Seems like on some level at least he's aware what an incompetent fuckup he was, and how irresponsible it was giving over control of so much of his administration to recalcitrant Nixon/Ford-era assholes the likes of Rumsfeld & Cheney.

The latter fuckers...not so much.  I'm not going to quote or in any way reference the shit that occasioned this particular post, any more than otherwise, in regards to the shit that falls out of this particular asshole's mouth on a regular basis.  Suffice it to say that the day had a 'y' in it, and that this heart-dead motherfucker still lives and gets to shoot off his mouth with vile sewage while thousands of innocents remain dead, and millions or billions more may yet die before their time if this bloodthirsty lunatic gets his way.

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