28 April, 2015

The JE Stands for José Emilio

Worried Jeb Bush is leaving it too late to declare his run for the presidency ?  That he might be outshone by up-and-coming younger members of his party like fellow Floridian Marco Rubio (or G-d forbid, Tom Cotton) ?  Worried all the Koch-style billionaire money will go to the likes of Scott Walker ?  Well, don't.  'Cause Jeb is on it.  I mean, right now, he's busy campaigning in the all-important battleground state of...Puerto Rico.

Wait, what ?  Jeb, Jeb, psst...you do know they can't vote for you, right ?  Oh what, it's part of a shameless effort to shore up the Hispanic vote back in the non-disenfranchised mainland, and convince them that the Republicans are totally not racist assholes ?  Well that's all right then.  Carry on campaignin' Señor Jeb.  Téjas next ?

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