28 April, 2015

That Mysterious 'Milibrand' Meeting

That super-secret meeting between Ed Miliband, and Russell Brand that the UK media have been hyperventilating over ?  Turns out, it was...an interview.  Ed Miliband gave an interview to a celebrity known for his outspoken political views, who happens to have over a million subscribers on YouTube.  Shock horror !  And thanks to all the breathless media coverage, the number of people watching is probably about to go up even more.  Thanks, news-media...

Update: Well, that was a whole bunch of nothing.  Here's a summary to save you sixteen minutes of your life:

Brand: Asks questions, tries to get Ed to say anything concrete.
Ed: Blah, blah, blah, blah.  Change is hard.  Blah, blah, blah.

But yeah.  He showed up.  So there's that.

Update: So turns out Brand did endorse Labour after all, which helps precisely no-one.  Sigh.

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