07 July, 2015

'The Most Prolific Serial Rapist in the United States of America' ?

The World Affairs Council of Philadelphia via user Cirt on Wikipedia.  CC 2.0 

That's how accuser Patti 'PJ' Masten described Bill Cosby on CNN's Anderson Cooper 360° after the revelation that Cosby admitted in court to the purchase of Quaaludes, for the purpose of 'hav(ing) sex with' 'young women', because y'know, it's so normal for women to ask to be made unconscious prior to having consensual sexual intercourse with a man.

AP via Jezebel.com

And given the number of accusers already having come forth, and how many could come forward now, given the degree to which this blows to pieces the remaining plausible deniability in this case, she could well be right.

Will Cosby turn out to be the US' equivalent of Jimmy Savile ?*  Were there others in his circles engaging in the same practice ?  Masten did, after all, mention four other men present when she met Cosby in the instance in question for her.

One obvious question is why ?  As both Cooper & Masten say in the segment, this is a man who could have had his pick of women.  Someone who was rich, famous, popular, connected, good-looking.  And who yet nonetheless felt compelled to do that ?

BTW, if we're still in this hyper-politically correct place as would seem in the US, what with banning the Confederate flag even in the context of The Dukes of Hazzard, I feel compelled to point out that a certain US network is and has been showing re-runs of a certain show featuring a man later known as 'America's Dad', and more currently to be known as...

I'm sure it's entirely a coincidence that they happened to pick up this particular show at a time that one of its stars was in the news for all the wrong reasons.

* No, there's no evidence he's a paedophile, but repeatedly drugging women into unconsciousness and raping them is pretty far up there.

Update: And so, without any announcement, suddenly...the show is gone from the lineup, and its presence quietly disappeared from the website.  Strange that.

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