22 July, 2015

Anything for Attention

This, right here, is called desperation.   Lindsey Graham, who has been in the US Congress for two decades now, is, like his crazy uncle buddy John McCain, considered to be something of an expert on foreign policy, though in US politics this simply requires a lot of bellicose bluster, and having a raging hard-on for bombing Iran.  Although he is frequently mocked in Democratic/Progressive media, because, 'confirmed bachelor', hee hee, he is in wider circles, generally fairly well respected.  And, unlike a lot of his competitors in the Republican bid for the presidency in 2016, he is, the obsession with bombing Iran aside, not a complete whack-a-loon.

But with time running down for the Republican debates on Fox News, which will be restricted to the top ten candidates in the national polls, and with Kasich entering the race, now sixteen 'serious' candidates in the running, Graham is getting desperate.  He needs to raise his profile at any cost, especially with the media spending all their time obsessing over the daily clowning of one Donald J Trump.  And so, in response to an act of complete assholishness by Trump, in giving out Graham's cellphone-number to the public, we get this.  If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

This is not a man vying to become the next Youtube-star.  This, in 2015, is the kind of stunt that might make the difference in who has the chance to become the next President of the United States.

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