24 July, 2015

David Cameron: We Need More Invisible Unaccountable Wealth

Britain should not shy away from doing business with countries where corruption is a problem, according to David Cameron.
Writing in The Daily Mail ahead of a trade mission to South East Asia, the Prime Minister said the “wind of economic change is blowing east – and not just to China and India”.
He argued that Britain had concentrated too much on trading with Europe, rather than countries in Asia.
He wrote that people were wrong to argue that “we should avoid doing business with countries with barriers to trade including corruption”.
“Many in South East Asia have led the battle against corruption, which costs the global economy billions of pounds a year,” Mr Cameron said.
“Britain is joining them in that fight – I’ve put the issue at the top of the global agenda.
“Given a level playing field, British businesses can out-compete anyone in the world.” *
Sigh. This is an obvious candidate for 'posted without comment', but I will say this:
  1. Cameron is interested in certain groups/individuals profiting here.
  2. Those groups/individuals are mostly not in Asia.
  3. Those groups/individuals are inherently corrupt.
  4. Those groups/individuals are Cameron's friends or friends of friends.
  5. Those groups/individuals are not you or anyone you are ever likely to know.
  6. That offshored 'wealth' is never coming back.

* 'Level playing field' !  Classic !

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