01 July, 2015

Back to Jersey

So, I hear that one Christopher James Christie of Joy-zie has belatedly (by absurd American standards that is) entered the race for President in 2016.

Good luck to the guy I guess.  Just too bad someone doesn't have a time-machine handy, to take him back three or four years ago, when he might have stood a chance.  Speaking of which...

A belated shout out to Robert Zemeckis for affirming that there will be no 'reboot' of Back to the Future...in his lifetime at least.  I care just little enough to ignore the remake of Ghostbusters, and as for Marvel & Co., well they're eating themselves from the insides out, slowly corrupting any credibility their industry may once have had, and as such, fuck them.  But Back to the Future...No.  Never.

There has to be one moment in historic culture that endless greed does not get to destroy.*

* Yeah, I know that Back to the Future wasn't exactly light on the product-placement, and as for the never-should-have-been-made sequels...

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