06 September, 2015

Link Dump (Labor Day* Edition)

'War on Cops' you say ?...  Guardian: 2015 may be one of the safest years for law enforcement in a quarter century.  See also Radley Balko's response in the Washington Post to Scott Walker's nonsense on the subject.

The National Journal details how Donald Trump could have been just as rich or even richer by simply investing his inheritance into an index fund.  But...then, no Apprentice, no Trump Tower, no casinos, no Art of the Deal, no multiple bankruptcies, no cheesy ads for fast food.

Reason, here & here on the two seventeen-year-olds facing jailtime and labelling as sex-offenders, for their mutual victimless sexting.

I guess they thought no-one would notice.  Morning Joe show on MSNBC edits segment with David Ignatius on 'Emailgate' to remove the segments where he points out (twice) that there is no prosecutable behaviour apparent, completely misrepresenting the last sentence of his aired into the bargain.
As I talked to a half dozen lawyers who do nothing but this kind of work, they said they couldn't remember a case like this, where people informally and inadvertently draw classified information into their phone conversations or their unclassified server conversations, where there had been a prosecution.
Minimalist maps of the globe in the Independent.  Here, just the world's roads:

LA Times: Saudi King Salman signals support for Iran nuclear deal.

Taking in Syrian refugees in...Iceland.  Not sure they want to go that far north.

'Auto-brewery syndrome' ?...  Video here.

Politico: The State Department hasn’t been authorized in 13 years.  Ladies & Gentlemen, your United States Congress not at work.

Independent: Wikipedia rocked by 'rogue editors' blackmail scam targeting small businesses and celebrities.

HuffPo: Republicans Like Obama's Ideas Better When They Think They're Donald Trump's.  Well, that's the headline.  Of course, the reverse is also true of Democrats...

Alternet on the destruction of black neighbourhoods in America by publicly-funded stadia.

The Atlantic's 'CityLab': How the Federal Government Built White Suburbia.

The Gaza Strip 'Uninhabitable' by 2020 ?

Slate: Why drivers in China intentionally kill the pedestrians they hit.  Short answer: It's cheaper...but a must read if you want to be truly sickened.

Independent: Scholars split by claim that Koran scrap rewrites story of Islam.  Is there an actual plausible conspiracy-theory around this ?  Surely the likelihood that the carbon-dated parchment was re-used is much more likely.

Bernie Sanders' support for extra-judicial execution via drone on foreign soil in the neverending 'War on Terror'.

New Zealand's fern-tastic finalist choices for a new flag:

Well, if you must have a fern on your flag, you can't go very wrong with the classic combination of red, white, and blue, which also has a nod to your British heritage...if that's something liberal New Zealand is willing to even acknowledge these days.  Seems some are looking to the red peak as an alternative, but if John Key really wants a fern...

And in things nobody but nobody in the world wanted, Phil Collins is re-releasing all his albums with his current aged mush:

National Geographic: Nearly Every Seabird on Earth Is Eating Plastic.  Thanks humans.

And oh yeah, apparently the Earth has lost half its trees since we started logging them.

I'm assuming these won't be ending up in the world's oceans any time soon.

In polar bear-related news, the polar bears besieging a Russian research-outpost in the Arctic, and scientists say that Knut died of an auto-immune illness, previously only known to affect humans.

In a follow-up of sorts to the guide to balding in the last link-dump, here's the BBC on Scott Walker's claim that his giant bald spot was caused by bumping his head on a kitchen-cabinet.  Conclusion, yes, it's theoretically possible.  Just extremely unlikely.

The Guardian on speculation that political rebel Jeremy Corbyn could remove Labour's parliamentary whip.

Mark your calendars now...Pope Francis allows ordinary priests to provide forgiveness for abortion, but only for the coming 'Holy Year of Mercy'.

And lastly: Forgotten fotos from the Vietnam War in the Daily Mail.  Okay, this one may not be the most representative, but...

* AKA, Fake May Day...Let's All Go Shopping !!!

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